Afghanistan War (2002-2014) Significant Activities “SIGACTs”
Throughout the Afghanistan War, international and local security forces maintained records of “significant activities” (SIGACTs).
The US Defense Department’s accounting of combatant activity throughout the Afghanistan war (2002-2014) comprises the SIGACTs. They detail conflict data—hundreds of thousands of precisely georeferenced and time-stamped insurgent, counterinsurgent, and other wartime incidents, with corresponding weapon, tactic, and other relevant details. The highly detailed data on combatant activity from the recent conflict in Afghanistan was collected jointly by Afghan military and police forces and member forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The data range from 2002 through 2014, the period formally designated by the U.S. military as Operation Enduring Freedom.
1) Shaver, Andrew, and Austin Wright. “Data on Combatant Activity During Afghanistan War Advance Scientific Investigation of Insurgency.” Empirical Studies of Conflict Project.